Swami Dayamritananda Puri, is one of Amma’s senior monastic disciples. He met Her more than 40 years ago and is now the Executive Director of MA Centers. Over the past 28 years, Sw. Dayamritananda has traveled extensively to different cities in the US, Canada and South America giving spiritual talks, counselling Amma’s satsang members, and answering their questions. He holds an undergraduate degree in Physics and a masters degree in Film Technology. He tours tirelessly in order to inspire all of Amma’s satsang groups to better serve their communities and keep alive the flame of selfless service that Amma has illuminated in their hearts.
Earth Day Retreat in Michigan
Saturday April 19th from 9:00am-9:00pm
MA Center Michigan, 4201 Ann Arbor Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Info: https://us.amma.org/groups/north-america/amma-center-michigan/events/ear...
Satsang in San Ramon
Saturday March 15th from 5:30pm - 8:00 pm
MA Center San Ramon, 10200 Crow Canyon Road, Castro Valley, CA 94552
Info: https://us.amma.org/groups/north-america/ma-center-san-ramon/events
Satsang in Seattle
Sunday March 16th
Info: https://us.amma.org/groups/north-america/macenter-pnw
Scripture Class In Person and Live on Youtube
Tuesday March 18th from 6:00pm-8:00pm PDT
MA Center San Ramon, 10200 Crow Canyon Road, Castro Valley, CA 94552
Join: https://youtube.com/c/macentersanramon
Retreat in New York
Sunday March 23rd from 10:00am -6:00pm
MA Center NY/NJ,592 Davenport Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10805
Info: https://us.amma.org/groups/north-america/ma-center-new-york/events/full-...
Retreat and public program in Cancun, MX
Saturday March 29th
Retreat from 9:30am-4:00pm
Public program from 4:00pm-7:00pm
Info: dayamrita_swami_retreat_cancun_2025.pdf
7 Day Silent Retreat in Hawaii
Thursday January 30th - Wednesday February 5th
Kahuku, Oahu, HI
Info: https://us.amma.org/7-day-silent-retreat-hawaii
Retreat in Maui
Saturday February 8 from 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Heritage Hall 401 Baldwin Avenue, Paia, HI
Program includes spiritual talk, meditation, kirtan, Q&A
Dinner, chai, and desserts will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to benefit Amma’s charities.
Retreat is by donation.
Info: ammamaui@ammagroups.org